Manifesting Your Goals with Intention

What’s your word for 2020?

As a Mom, wife, health coach, nutritionist, and a woman who lives with intention, I have a new annual practice of choosing a word (or a theme) to guide my year. Last year my word started out with “freedom.” I moved to the burbs of Bergen County NJ, I left my legal job, and I was ready to push my holistic nutrition and life coaching business to the next level and achieve financial and time freedom. And then…

My son Tyler was born in March. Bye bye freedom, hello poopy diapers and sleepless nights. I’m not sure why I was so surprised as it’s not like I didn’t know this was going to happen (I have a 2 ½ year old son too), but maybe I was thinking this time home with the kids would be different or I’d have all this time between naps and on childcare days to be super productive. I tried to continue with that theme of freedom, pushing through my exhaustion and stress to focus on providing holistic nutrition support and building my health coaching business in Bergen County NJ until finally the little voice in my head said to me, "Girl, you JUST HAD A BABY. Give yourself some grace!"

So that became my new word that I embraced for the year. “Grace.” Grace gave me the ability to focus on my newborn without feeling guilty that I wasn’t being a holistic nutritionist and life coach all of the time. Grace allowed me to be home with 2 boys under 2 years old and stay sane. Grace reminded me that I am human.

Did I achieve the ultimate financial freedom I had anticipated? Not really and that's ok. But did I stay sane, manage my stress, and enjoy all of the precious moments with my little boys, moments that only come once in a lifetime? Yes. Giving myself grace allowed me to focus on self care, something that we as new moms put on the back burner. And for that I am grateful. Grace allowed me to get really clear on my values and my priorities. Grace gave me clarity on the women who I want to serve and how I want to serve them. Grace helped me learn that it’s important to be malleable and adjust to life’s circumstances. Grace gave me the courage to let go of control.

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This year my word is “ACTION.” Action as it applies to my holistic nutritionist business and also my personal life. I’ve let myself fall into a trap of excuses and procrastination. And I blame it on my kids, my husband, my injuries and illnesses, my lack of sleep (echem... kids), my lack of time (echem... kids). But enough is enough. I’m done with the excuses. I’m done with the inaction. 2020 is about action. It’s about taking small, actionable steps toward reaching each of my goals, personally or professionally. And I have many goals and ideas up my sleeve for this upcoming 12 months! I am here to serve you, to be in action for you. Let’s do this together!

Now it’s time for you to choose your word for 2020. Your word that will guide you through the next 12 months with ease, poise, confidence, success. Your word embodies what you want to DO, BE, and HAVE this year. It’s a simple but powerful practice to bring you into alignment with your goals and your big picture dreams.

When trying to come up with your word, it may pop into your head immediately or you may need to play around and brainstorm about 10-20 words until one clicks and feels right. Grab a sheet of blank white paper and start jotting words down. Let your mind go. Consider what you want to focus on this year - your personal life, your business or job, something else? What part of you do you want to improve or increase? When you choose your word, write it down. Post it in a place that you will see it every day. Your desk, your car, your fridge. Post it on social media. Tag me for accountability @jessicakishpaugh. Send me an email to and let me know what your word is. I'd love to hear it.

Don’t stress over this. Just let yourself choose a word that feels best. And if you’re like me last year, and you’ve outgrown your word or your situation changes, be malleable and open to change and pick a new one.

Happy brainstorming!

For more health and wellness tips like setting intentional goals, gaining clarity on your values, healthy eating, intuitive weightloss, self care and mindfulness, join our Mom tribe on FB, Love Yourself Journey and follow me on Instagram @jessicakishpaugh.

Jessica Kishpaugh is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Life Coach and owner of LoYo Wellness in Bergen County NJ (  Jessica specializes in healthy weight loss, intuitive eating, recovering from emotional eating, stress reduction and mindfulness. For your FREE nutrition breakthrough call, schedule a consultation here.