The LoYo Method -
Your Path to FOOD FREEDOM!
Why is the LoYo Method coaching program different?
The LoYo Method is a high touch, intimate coaching experience, mentorship and support community, led by Holistic Nutritionist, Nutrition Psychology Counselor and Emotional Eating Coach, Jessica Kishpaugh.
We teach women how to break up with uncontrollable cravings and eat for their bodies so they can feel beautiful, confident and comfortable in their skin, without getting hangry, counting calories or white knuckling through will power.
As a client in our program, you’ll navigate emotional eating or binge eating with ease, balance hormones for optimal fat burning and weight loss, let go of chronic yoyo dieting and self sabotaging behaviors and incorporate self-care into your life as a non-negotiable.
You’ll learn to nourish your body, heal your relationship with food, love yourself again, and be able to lose weight from a place of self-compassion… all without going on a diet or giving up chocolate!
In the LoYo Method, you’ll…
Take a very different, holistic and mind body approach to weight
Let go of your diet mentality and diet behaviors
Navigate emotional eating, binge eating and overeating with ease
Stop feeling food guilt or shame when you indulge, “cheat” or eat in secret
Explore your limited beliefs and behaviors that are keeping you stuck
Stop using the scale as a means of self worth or success
Make positive, long-lasting habit changes to your weight, health, and life
Heal your relationship with food
Alleviate uncontrollable cravings
Lose the stubborn weight, keep it off, without going on a diet or giving up foods you enjoy
Apply step by step tools to lean into your fears and finally get unstuck
Achieve food freedom!
And so much more!
The LoYo Method provides you EVERYTHING you need in a holistic way to lose weight, keep it off, and change your relationship with food and yourself.
Our 4 Core Pillars
1. Break Behavioral Patterns
Ditch Dieting & Self Sabotage - You will learn to fix the reason that diets have failed you long term and flip the internal switch on restriction, will power, food obsession and fears of failure. You will no longer feel “good” or “bad” about food choices and begin to make habit shifts that allow you to destroy old sabotaging behaviors and re-pattern and build positive habits around food. You’ll learn how to let go of dieting mentalities and dieting behaviors, build positive thoughts and behaviors around food, and improve positive self esteem and body image. Uncover perfectionism and let go of "all or nothing" mentalities.
2. Create Hormone Harmony
Harmonize your Blood Sugar - with nutritional support. Nourish your body with nutrient dense foods and metabolic boosting meals with our recipe books and actionable nutrition resources so you can balance hormones and blood sugar for sustainable fat burning and kick cravings, fatigue, belly bloat and brain fog to the curb. You will boost and balance your metabolism and achieve sustainable habits around nutrition and weight loss so you can fit comfortably and confidently into your clothes again and keep it off without ever going back on a fad diet.
Harmonize your Stress Hormones - by creating a relaxation effect in your body. We do this by helping you build stress resilience and apply the Path to Calm to minimize cortisol spikes (reduce fat storing) lower cravings, nighttime eating, emotional eating.
3. Emotional Mastery
Emotional Eating, Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating Support - You will better understand emotional eating, binge eating and overeating and learn to no longer use food to self soothe, to control or to distract you from the bigger emotion. You’ll apply intuitive eating and mindful eating principles and learn to respect and listen to your body, so you can develop positive habits and confidence. You’ll detach emotions from food and learn how to confidently make choices that feel great both in the moment and long term in a way that satisfies you body and your mind. You’ll nourish yourself emotionally and physically with emotional self-healing and self-compassion tools. Get clarity on your core values and anchor what matters to you. Lean into fears in order to achieve emotional transformation.
4. Path to Calm
Stress Resilience: You will learn to build stress resilience to alleviate your stress - physically/mentally/emotionally. We want to calm the chaos before the chaos erupts. You’ll also have access to stress alleviating resources and mindfulness tools to deal with stress in a positive, productive way when life feels difficult. You’ll learn to de-stress productively instead of using food to soothe and further sabotaging your weight goals.
Time Management and Work-Life Balance - We’ll give you the tools to achieve ultimate work-life balance so you are living true to your life’s values each and every day. From time management to decluttering to working on your specific lifestyle goals and challenges that are creating stress, we will coach you on how best to make appropriate adjustments to feel more at ease.
Self Care - You’ll understand how to prioritize your own self care with ease (and without guilt), how to embrace your own health and well-being without it feeling selfish, and how invest time, energy and money in yourself without neglecting others, so you can show up for yourself as the woman you were meant to be.
LoYo Method Client Success - an inside peek at CLIENT WINS!
What’s Inside the LoYo Method?
Daily & Weekly Coaching
You will have full access to Jessica Kishpaugh and your Client Success Coach every week - with live weekly coaching calls, 1-1 Check-in Calls, Onboarding call, and a Success & What’s Next Calls. You’ll get all of your questions personally answered as you do the inner healing work necessary each week. You will also learn an incredible amount from other like-minded women on the coaching calls.
Unlimited Support
In between coaching sessions, you always have a solid support system - 24/7 access to Jessica and our Client Success team to ask questions, reach out, stay accountable, and be able to push past the challenges and roadblocks that may have stopped you in the past. With this unlimited lifeline for ongoing feedback and support, as well as the entire community of women for added accountability, you'll never feel like you’re going through this journey alone.
Personalized Assessment & Onboarding
You’ll receive a personalized private assessment and a private Onboarding Call to give you high touch onboarding into the program, to customize your unique goals or challenges to set you up for success, and provide you extra personal support toward reaching your goals. You’ll also have an option to book Check-In Calls with Jessica for extra support and private work.
LIFETIME access to all Learning Lessons & Action Tools
You’ll receive lifetime access to our entire LoYo Methodology - all video, audio and written resources covering our 4 Core Pillars. You’ll always know what to do and why you are doing it. You’ll receive the necessary knowledge, tools, techniques and actionable steps in nutrition and mindset, including making simple, step-by-step changes to proper nutrition for blood sugar rebalancing, hormone balancing and sustainable weight loss, as well as incorporating intuitive eating skills and mindset shifts around food, learning how to listen to and respect your body, and implementing self care and stress reduction techniques. The action is where the magic happens!
Private Client-Only Accountability Group
This is a small, private, client-only, confidential accountability group, and is the base hub for all of your community support and accountability. You will be surrounded by like-minded women to cheerlead you, support you and learn from along your journey. You can post questions and find accountability partners with other women who struggle with similar challenges. You’ll always have access to Jessica in this group whenever you need support or troubleshooting during your program.