What are clients saying?
How They Did It - Client Success Panel
“I have so many lot of wins. My weight is down about 20 lbs. My inches are down 3 inches in all the measurements! My “aha” moment was when I had lost some weight/inches (about halfway through) by making smaller adjustments, not doing anything radically different from my norm (like not killing myself with exercise), and it seemed to happen ‘naturally.
I’m making more intentional choices around food. I have a more positive attitude, which is huge because I was always such a negative person. I have my mindless snacking under control. I don’t sit in front of tv like I used to and eat the bag of chips. I don’t beat myself up anymore if I ate an unhealthy food. The #1 thing I didn’t think I could do before this program was — LOSE THE WEIGHT on a long term basis.
I liked working with Jessica - She is “real”. She tells it like it is. She focuses on wins. She’s always there to listen and offer helpful suggestions. ”
“I joined the LoYo Method to help get rid of my all or nothing thinking about food (stop being a perfectionist), to help shift my thinking, and to stop beating myself up when I would go off track with what I was eating. It’s been such a success! Now I don’t think about food all the time like I used to and I don’t have the guilt i used to have before about food. I have learned to talk positive to myself. I say to myself in the mirror - “you’re doing amazing things, i love you” and I never would have said that or believed it 4 months ago. I’m not eating perfectly clean, but I am seeing changes in my body and my clothes are looser, which is huge. I have less mood swings and have been happier. I am spending more time with my family in the evenings. I have learned how to process stress differently. Jessica is supportive and honest I loved how she would help me to think deeper about things. I am finally HAPPY now! ”
“I was struggling so much with coping with food to the point of bingeing. My A1C and weight were very concerning. I felt so stuck and wondered if maybe there was no breaking out of it (despair) and I would always be an obese stay at home mom. I couldn’t even think of making a goal. I only ate to feel better, but quickly felt sad that I always turn to food. Mindless towards most aspects of my life.
The most significant, positive changes I noticed since starting the LoYo Method is Mindset and self talk! I thought it was silliness but I still honestly looked at it and jumped in. I apply it to everything I can now. I decide to stop avoiding and run at it! My aha was realizing how happy and eager I was to let feelings and belief go, like my failed past weightloss attempts. It was necessary and so helpful.
I’ve lost 45 pounds and counting. My A1C went from 9 to 5.8!
My mindfulness with eating has opened my mind to apply to many other things in life. I applied for jobs for the first time in 15 years, nailed all 3 interviews. I realized I have skills! I am confident again! I now have 3 job offers and I am starting a new job next week.
I appreciate Jessica’s straight talk, which felt difficult at first, but I could quickly tell the expertise and CARE was there!! A perfect blend of tough cookie and total sweetie is who she is!
It has been an incredible, productive, emotional and life changing experience being in LOYO. ”
“I am really changing my thinking and behaviors. I am slowing down when eating. I am not berating myself when i eat and I don’t feel guilty about having unhealthier foods when they are worth it. I’m not as worried about throwing out food. I am not touching the scale. I look at labels and I am more cognizant of added sugar. I’ve embraced self care. I now think about losing weight and being healthy as something to practice, not something I need to be perfect in doing. I had an “aha” moment when some foods that I have always loved haven’t tasted as good when eaten slowly. I also am finding things I used to love taste too sweet sometimes or too processed tasting.
Jessica helped me to figure out what to focus on and individualized the program as much as possible. The coaching calls were helpful and the individual check-in’s were even more so. I loved the live interaction. I like that Jessica is always working on making improvements in the program and is honest. When she doesn’t know something, she doesn’t make things up. ”
“I am halfway to my weight loss goal! I have learned how to be present, accept that it does not have to be all or nothing, I don’t have to be perfect. I show up for me, I value myself and take time for myself now. I have loved this group so much! I appreciated being on this journey with all of these other like-minded women, learning together, sharing joys and wins. I’ve gained skills that will continue for the rest of my life.
A few more wins - I have lowered my medication, stopped some medication, I have less body aches and pains, I can keep up with my co-workers now and move easier. I used to have edema in my legs when I sat on the floor with my ids or cross my legs. This no longer happens!
I feel great, I can cook and grocery shop with ease! I can be there for my family.
Thank you Jessica!”
Carrie is an incredible busy, working Mom who reclaimed control over food and is transforming her life....
“I haven’t binged in 4 months! I used to binge to the point of sickness. I understand my emotional eating now and realize when it is happening. I have so many better coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. I’ve set boundaries and I focus on myself and I’ve learned how to say no. I have started meditating daily and have focused on self-care when needed. I used to go to the vending machines every day at work and now maybe only once a week! My taste buds are noticeably changing. I loved how Jessica always pushed to get me to think deeper.”
“I never thought I could say no to sweets! As someone who was a compulsive, binge eater, I now have overcome most of that behavior. I don’t even remember the last time I ate ice cream, I don’t hide food anymore, and I am no longer mentally weighed down with food. I’ve also overcome the feeling like I needed to “get something done” or do something perfectly. I’ve known it before but really talking through the fact that my health isn’t something to “finish” and that there was no “perfect” is a big change for me. I can make choices that may not have been “perfect” but were “better” and that’s still great. If I’m on the road, I can enjoy a local food specialty once and really enjoy it without feeling guilty - but don’t need to stop for custard EVERY day. I’ve learned to be kinder to myself about my choices and that it’s okay to put my health (physical and mental) first. The idea of self-care didn’t need to mean bubble baths and luxury but is more about ensuring I’m treating my body well so it can help me live a fuller life.”
“I appreciated the individual attention that Jessica provides. She really took the time to get to know me. And she remembered the things I shared and asked me about them later. During the coaching calls, Jessica was intentional about drawing me out and getting me to think about my experiences, what I’m working on and why. This helped me to be more thoughtful about the entire process. Jessica was also very knowledgeable and thorough. She was also so supportive when I was struggling with getting started and she helped me to put things into perspective. ”
“I used to eat mindlessly when I was tired, stressed or busy. I had the diet mentality of bad foods and self hate for eating the wrong foods. Lots of guilt and negative feelings toward myself and my body. I’ve been brainwashed over the years when it comes to how we should eat to lose weight (by the diet industry).
Since being in the LoYo Method, I learned that I need to appreciate my body for the stages it is in and stop punishing myself for not being exactly where I want it to be. I’ve changed how I view foods - I’ve removed the bad and good labels and instead I choose the more nourishing foods whenever I can. I can better recognize any emotional mindless eating and I have tools now to help. My mindset around weight and fitness has improved tremendously. I’m not self shaming like I used to. I’m recognizing it’s climbing Mount Everest. It’s a marathon not a sprint and I will get to an even healthier place with time. Also, I never thought I could eat without thinking about calories or stop the use of a scale!
“Before working with Jessica, I kept gaining weight and binge eating, working out too hard and dieting to 1000 calories/day, only to always gain back any weight I lost. I was always dieting. I was stressed about dieting and thinking about my weight and I weighed myself every day. I felt so ashamed of myself.
Jessica helped me so much to overcome my dieting and my binge eating behaviors. I am so grateful to break free of dieting. I stopped binge eating! I am no longer emotionally eating as I realize when my eating is tied to emotions. Now I enjoy life, I enjoy my food, I enjoy my exercise, and I have good days. No more dieting or dieting mentality. I only weigh myself every week or 2. I can eat whatever I want and I am not gaining weight! ”
“I changed my mindset about exercise. I used to hate it because it’s hard. Lol! I now realize I need to exercise to be healthier & feel better. I am excited because I started walking & trying to get to 10,000 steps each day. I am working on doing the TRX bands for 1 minute every day. I am eating more clean foods. I am sleeping better & feel better. I am not hungry all the time or crashing from a sugar high. My pants are looser & my body is changing/becoming more fit. I reorganized my closet today & was able to find back to school clothes that fit in my closet. It was very exciting. When I do eat out, I am making healthier choices and not overeating like I used to. I am reading labels & eating more clean foods. I am eating food that satiates me!! I am looking to food to fuel me instead of to comfort me and make me feel better in the short term & worse in the long run. Thank you for helping me meet my goals. I appreciate you & I am grateful for your help! : ) ”
“I used to eat for pleasure or emotional support. My food addictions led me to believe I was missing out on something if I didn’t indulge in them daily.
Since joining the LoYo Method, I have changed my mindset around good. I am nicer to myself and no longer feel so guilty. I realized that healthy food can nourish both the body and the mind. I’m not stuck in the all or nothing mindset anymore - if I make a bad choice I can keep going and not let it keep me down. I am now more in tune with what my body needs vs what it wants. I also used to limit my food options and feel deprived. Now, eating healthy meals has allowed me to enjoy a treat without overindulging and feeling guilty for enjoying it.
One important thing I learned was that I was making my love of food more important than the people I value and the life I want to live. I never realized how I could stop stressing about so many things. I’ve changed the way I looked at myself and my life.
Jessica gets you to open your mind and look at things in different ways. She helps you to see the wins in the small things you always overlooked. Very encouraging and willing to help.”
“My eating was out of control and my weight was spiraling higher and higher. Food taunted me. I couldn’t face another diet and I felt desperate to do something but didn’t know if I had the capacity.
My work with Jessica has been very positive. I love her directness and how she guides the conversations. There are no excuses and she helps dig to the root. The coaching sessions have 100% been the most enjoyable and beneficial parts of the program. My biggest successes have been slowing down, being aware of what I am eating, feeling more in control with food and can walk away from foods easier. I am doing way less stress eating and I am aware of when I am hungry vs when I am stressed. My clothes are fitting better, I feel stronger. And I am more present with my family.”
“I wanted to lose weight, I wanted to be able to give myself more grace with eating and I needed support with listening to my body and eating out of true hunger not an emotional response. My eating was out of control. I was eating a lot and all of the time.
Since joining the LoYo Method, I’ve been able to be purposeful of what I eat. have been able to let go of mentalities that were holding me captive to a lifestyle I didn’t necessarily enjoy. I enjoy food now. I honor my hunger and fullness. I have improved my diet mentality. I’ve stopped fighting food and no longer fear overindulging - if I have 1 cookie I can stop there. I am doing SO much better with using food to cope with emotions. It’s only happening sparingly and I give myself so much grace because we are not perfect. My sleep has improved. I’ve lot 35 pounds so fat and I feel lighter both inside and out. My clothes are fitting better. I am not obsessed with the scale. I really enjoyed working with Jessica - What I liked most was her kindness and patience. There was a “no failure” mentality that really helped me to feel supported.”
“I am more confident in myself and I no longer think about food all day. I can feel full finally, which is huge. I never thought I’d be able to feel full again. It really was one of my greatest fears and I was worried for my health. I’ve also been able to focus on myself! I always put others before myself and I finally figured out how to put me first and gain confidence in myself.”
“I never thought I could gain control over emotional eating. Since working with Jessica and having her consistency and support in the LoYo Method, I’ve created sustainable habits, I am more mindful in general, I am overcoming emotional eating and more aware and in tune with my eating, I am more intentional with my stressors and I’ve built in practices to be more resilient to stress. I am much less negative about myself and my weight. I have less shame and have shifted focusing on being healthy as opposed to just losing the weight. I’ve really come a long way in terms of diet mentality.”
“The LoYo Method was absolutely a success! I feel like the whole program has been an excellent reminder of ALL the things I want to do to care for myself! Jessica has great suggestions & motivation for everyone during the coaching calls. I started this program wanting to stop compulsive and emotional eating. I am now mindful and aware! I’ve learned how to listen to my body, honor my values, and I’ve found motivation to care for myself and feel more comfortable, able and attractive. I would definitely recommend this program to other women!”
“I used to mindlessly eat, snacking throughout the day, eating while I made dinner, eating when I was stressed, and eating while I was bored. I never slowing down. My life was stressful and it was always a “race to the finish,” and I always turned to food after a stressful day as because “I deserved it.” Food was a constant stress reliever.
I focused a lot of my self-worth on how well I could avoid eating throughout the day. I bounced from diet to diet for 15 years, failing each time. I wanted to be more than just my weight.
In this program, I’ve been focusing on Intentional eating and self-care, and the most significant thing I’ve noticed has been my positive mindset around food and myself.
I take the time to appreciate the food I eat. I now make conscious choices about what I bring into the house and make better choices about what foods I use for meals. I ask myself if I really want to eat (when I go to the kitchen or wherever to find a snack). I’ve implemented self care like yoga, quiet time and going to bed earlier. And I’ve been able to be way more present and active with my 3 kids.
I really enjoyed and benefitted the most from the sessions talking with Jessica. I always feel so good and full of positive energy coming from our talks. The support that Jessica and the group gave me to help me see that I was worth it and I could do it helped allow me to be successful.
”Take care of yourself. Your mental health and physical health are worth it.””
“I wanted to stop nighttime snacking, lose weight and get rid of the diet culture forever. The LoYo Method program was a definite success! The program encompasses everything we need to work on to be a success. I love that Jessica gives constructive feedback and solutions and shows us how to change our way of thinking with regards to food. I really enjoyed the coaching calls and sharing with the people attending.
My personal wins -
- I’ve changed my mindset around food
- I can pass right by chocolate or snacks at the store and don’t mind
- I stopped night snacking
- I feel better in my own skin
- I have less aches and pains in my back and legs
- I am sleeping better and soundly
- I am more joful
- I feel more confident
- I spend time on more self care
- My “aha” moment was when I realized that when I was drinking wine, I was no longer snacking mindlessly!
- I’ve lost 7 pounds and feel great in my clothes.”
“I’ve been able to focus on eating throughout the day without stress and anxiety. I’m forgiving myself and I’m taking one step at a time. Jessica is so knowledgeable about ingredients and understands eating disorders too which is a great combination for me. I loved the community and knowing I don’t have to obsess so much about ingredients, but slowly make better decisions.”
“I have more energy and don’t spend as much time with thinking about food. I started focusing on areas of my life where lack of fulfillment was leading to eating and stress. I’ve given myself time to rest (not just scroll). I am learning to be consistent. I am learning about myself. ”
“The 1 thing I didn’t think I could do before this program was lose weight so easily! I’ve lost 15 lbs and it did NOT feel like a diet. It hasn’t been hard. I haven’t felt restricted and losing weight has not been the focus, but has been a delightful consequence!
I have also made progress in several different areas - I am more aware of how I am feeling emotionally. I am able to understand my wants and needs much more accurately. I feel more in control with food and I honor what I am feeling instead of pushing it aside and stuffing it with food. Understanding my why, and also how my body works, and how it feels when I fuel it with the right things.
I love Jessica’s passion and empathy which shines through when she speaks. She is always very understanding, and always offers practical, helpful advice.”
“I realized how addicted to sugar I was and how controlling my blood sugar was so important to the health happiness of my life. I had drastic drop in my sugar cravings, my toxicity levels and also dropped 1 pants size! I have huge mental wins like identifying when I am stressed and how not to eat emotionally. I’ve eliminated nighttime eating. I no longer have acid reflux, bloating, knees pain and back pain are reduced, and my hair isn’t falling out anymore. Working with Jessica on weekly coaching was one of the best parts of the program. Jessica is personal, responsive, and thoughtful. She’ll “tell you the hard things” and challenge you to move forward in those areas.”
“The LoYo Method community and coaching calls were the best part of this program!
Before I joined, I was so sick of yoyo dieting that I ate whatever and plateaued at my heaviest weight. I knew what I needed to do, but wasn’t doing it. I needed to get away from the good/bad food mentality. I hated to feel deprived.
Since working with Jessica, planning and eating healthy has become easy and fits into my schedule, and I enjoy eating this way! I used to say healthy was boring. It’s not! I also no longer weigh myself every day and I am not focused on the scale so much. I have lost 14 pounds so far and will continue. If I eat a really good brownie or biscuit, I won’t beat myself up anymore! No more guilt or shame around food.
When I started the program, there was a lot of fear of failure, wanting to bury my head in the stand, thoughts of “what if it doesn’t work?” I am not a big fan of being on a Zoom call (I also don’t like having my picture taken), but I realized that this is necessary work. I’ve gotten used to it and I LOVE THE CALLS and the community. The women in the program are all saying what I am saying. It’s what I feel and experience and what I struggle with. Being surrounded by people who are positive and successful has been absolutely brilliant for me. ”
How Donna overcame FEAR of investing in herself & found LIFELONG habits
“I was so hesitant to invest in myself because I had been on unemployment for a year and was starting a new business, so I wasn’t financially stable. I had so many fears - Is it really gonna work? What was different? Is this investment worth it?
This program was such a success! I lost 9 pounds and 5 inches on the waist, down to size medium and I know I will continue to lose weight because I’ve developed consistent habits. My mind feels better - I have better focus and concentration. I feel like I am nourishing my brain the right way, no more brain fog. Emotional eating is not an issue anymore. I also don’t feel bad when choosing to eat unhealthy options. And I’ve created more boundaries and self care which has alleviated so much stress in my life.”
“The best part of this experience has been working with Jessica. Whether it was our private calls, our group coaching calls and listening to you coach other women was extremely helpful. I’ve learned so much from the other women in the community and always know that I am never alone in this journey.
I feel stronger and more confident about my ability to make lasting change. I am more aware of balance in my life. I’ve worked on managing my perfectionism, my integrity, my feelings of shame. And I am so much more aware and mindful of my nutrition as opposed to having an “all/nothing, good/bad mentality. My chocolate cravings are no longer as intense, and my dieting mentality is stamped out and I no longer feel guilty when I do eat the chocolate. I am getting more sleep and feel more energized.”
“I lost 20 pounds and was able to lose the weight effortlessly and without “dieting.” I eat better. I have better habits now. I have more energy, no longer bloated and I don’t get headaches like I used to. I also had a huge sweet tooth and I don’t have cravings after meals anymore. I can eat until I am satisfied and leave a bite on my plate. I am no longer overeating, stress eating or boredom eating anymore too!”
“What a success! My aha moment was realizing that mentally letting go of things has so much to do with physical weight. I never thought I could feel less stress in my life and now, I feel more grounded and able to deal with all of life’s curveballs. I feel like I am a better person for my family and that means the world to me! Not to mention I’ve lost 15 pounds in the process. I also have so much more CONFIDENCE now. I loved working with Jessica. She always tries to help each one of us as much as she can! If she doesn’t know something she we will find the answer! Her straightforward honesty and helpful dedication for sure!”
“My entire reason for joining this program was to change my mindset around my body image and I needed accountability. I shamed myself if I ate cake or M&Ms. I had the nutrition knowledge (I am a nutrition coach) and I ate fairly healthy, but I needed to shift my mindset.
I now have 100% changed that. I have no negative self talk anymore.
I am more aware of what I am eating and when, not skipping meals, being intuitive. My biggest shift was my reasons why. It was always about the scale and losing weight so I can be there for my kids. I used to be a habitual weigher on the scale and it would bring my mood down.
Now, I know I will be there for my kids. I needed to do this for ME. I needed to learn how to put myself first, so I can be a great mom for my kids.
A few more positive wins - I am sleeping more, walking more, getting back into running, taking baths, I have no more belly bloating, no more back pain and no more stomach issues or heartburn!”
“The #1 thing I didn’t think I could do before this program was even attempt to put myself first. I was able to do a deep dive on MYSELF and work on ME. I absolutely LOVED the content in this program especially on mindfulness and stress alleviation. The visualization exercise literally moved me to tears. The feelings, the love, the peace - I can’t even thank you enough for that.”
“The #1 thing I did to invest in myself in 2020 was hiring Jessica. I learned to finally break the bad habits, that taking care of myself is a priority and not selfish and that by taking care of myself I am actually functioning better. I have more energy, my mind is clear and not foggy. As a result of the positive changes, I’m taking care of my family better. The Loyo Method has been life changing for me. Having my breakthrough call with her and following the LoYo Method has truly been life changing and the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. For the first time in years, I didn’t obsessively stress about the scale through the holidays. I enjoyed myself and time with family, didn’t deprive myself or excessively splurge and my jeans still fit!”
“My biggest issue was sweets. I could eat sweets all day everyday along with junk food too. I had a very unhealthy relationship with food - I emotionally ate and stress ate often. Over the last 12 weeks, I have learned to stop stress eating. I no longer weigh myself daily or even weekly!! And I felt like the weight came off without really trying to lose it. I lost the weight weight without trying and still ate and enjoyed good food.”
“I never thought I could have a night where I did not binge eat. My eating habits used to be chaotic and a struggle, as I overate often and could not stop myself from eating and overeating.
Now, I think more about the root reason that I am actually eating, caring for myself, paying more attention to my food, prioritizing my values and using that to make food choices and other choices in life. This program is a world of learning so much more than just eating, but all about self discovery, learning what drives your behavior as well as how to really care for yourself. ”
How Andrea created less stress and more joy in her busy life, and is in tune with her body needs.
“I am more in tune with my body. I have a better understanding of when I’m truly hungry, emotional, stressed, relaxed, etc. I also have a better understanding of time management, which has made my life less stressful and more enjoyable. I’ve made more time for myself that I didn’t think was possible, which also helps me to be a better mom and wife. This program opened my eyes as to how good I can feel with the right nutrition. Jessica is down to earth and keeps things real. She is very relatable and explains information in a way that is easy to understand. She also really makes you think and helps you to explore underlying issues. ”
“I’ve lost 1 pound a week, which I know will continue AND finally be sustainable since I am no longer making drastic, quick fix approaches to weight loss. I’ve managed my stress better, which also has improved my stress eating and my “screw it” mentality around food. I’ve worked on decluttering my home and managing my time which has been a HUGE success. Working with Jessica on coaching calls and having a community of like-minded woman has been the best part of this program - it’s extremely helpful to hear from other women to know that I am not alone in my struggles. Jessica is very real and down to earth. She tells it like it is. And I love the air of positivity and self love in the community and in the program, as opposed to being hyper-focused on weight loss. I have really learned how to navigate my life and my mind. I’ve realized that I can do small things and have big results and this is working!”
How Robin overcame self sabotaging dieting behaviors & discovered she is enough!
“Before the LoYo Method, I focused on the number on the scale. I was a mindless eater and self sabotaged all the time. I’ve made lots of small changes both physically and mentally to help better care for myself - being more mindful about when I’m eating, better time management, and self-care especially. I can still have “treats” like chocolate and still feel positive about my day.
One of my biggest wins is realizing it’s so much more than weight loss - it’s how I look at myself, talk to myself, treat myself. I was so unhealthy in my thought process around weight. Now, my self talk has improved and I am showing up as the best version of myself when I speak to myself, my kids, and my husband. I am now thinking more clearly, mindfully, grounded.
The LoYo Method and working with Jessica was a success because it made me focus on the whole picture (emotional, mental and physical) and not just focus on working out to lose weight. It’s been way more than I expected and more!”
“I lost 8 pounds. I notice and pay attention to the foods I eat and how they make me feel. I’ve been able to focus on how my body feels, what foods make me feel good. ”
“I’ve been able to look at this program like a journey - taking it one day at a time and celebrating even the smallest wins. My aha moment was not needing to use my scale anymore to determine my weight loss or where I was at that day. I don’t think I realized how dependent I was using it to gauge my success or failure. Jessica has always been gracious and kind and understanding. Never pushy or it’s my way or no way. Exactly what I needed to help me through this program. I’ve lost weight and I feel good about myself in my clothes again!”
How Meghan overcame yoyo dieting and all or nothing thinking & finally lost weight (and kept it off and continued to lose weight after the program)
“Before the LoYo Method and working with Jessica, my eating habits were mindless, and emotional especially when stressed, with cycles of restricting and bingeing. Every day my focus was on my weight, the scale or good foods/bad foods.
Now, I feel confident in the skills I learned and taking those forward. My weight is no longer the only thing on my mind! I don’t see foods as good vs bad, which made me feel like no foods are “restricted” and by not having food off limits, I’m not craving that or bingeing on it. I also feel really good about myself. And I now make time for me without guilt I’m so proud of all the things I can do. I look at myself in a more positive light which is huge. I’ve lost weight (12 pounds and 4 inches in 12 weeks!) and I’ve learned to make some easy healthy meals my whole family likes. I feel so much better and I realized when I fill my body with “junk” I feel like junk. ”
How Mel overcome “uncontrollable” sugar cravings and stress eating
“I used to have a self-critical mindset and I would eat whatever was easy or there, regardless of whether I was hungry. Since doing the LoYo Method program, my body feels like it is running more smoothly, my digestion has improved, and my mindset is better - looking for even small ways to practice self care in my busy day! I am doing much better with not stress eating, but even in those incredible difficult situations, I don’t beat myself up over it. I’ve also lost inches and weight toward my goal. I really liked that Jessica is concerned with the whole person- body, mind and emotions, and she is very encouraging through the coaching calls and FB posts.
How Mindi and Linda took a leap of faith and leaned into their fears and skepticism by joining the LoYo Method. They’ve lost a combined total of almost 70 pounds! And more importantly, they both have healed their relationship with themselves.
“I am more in tune with my eating habits. I am listening to when I am actually hungry vs. bored or stressed. I realized I am more of an emotional eater than just a boredom eater. Being able to identify my stress eating is a big thing so I don’t eat the bag of tootsie rolls! Also, learning how food physically makes me feel has been a huge win. I’ve lost 10 pounds but I am way less worried about the number on the scale. My focus is on how I am feeling better and how my clothes are fitting looser.
I also really enjoyed and appreciated the outside support and coaching. I am very independent and never thought I could admit that I needed support. Being able to interact with other women who understood my challenges and having constant feedback from Jessica was great. It was eye opening to realize it’s ok to talk about this with people in my life.”
“I’ve becoming more *aware* of my emotions and when I reach for food to cope with emotionally stressful situations instead of only reaching for food because of hunger. It’s been very helpful to hear from other women with similar challenges and receive feedback from Jessica, who has such respect and empathy for everyone’s unique situation and challenges. I also appreciated hearing about Jessica’s experiences going through this same process.”
“The 1 thing I didn’t think I could do before this program was finding a coping mechanism when I’m stressed out and alone with the kids. I also used to feel like a shark sensing blood in the water sometimes — I went absolutely crazy when there’s sugar around. Now, my meals are more balanced so I am not feeling the cravings like I used to and I am finding better coping mechanisms for stress. I loved working with Jessica. She is so real with us and she doesn’t feel like she has to put on a facade when she’s talking to us. She’s genuine and seems totally herself. I really enjoyed how I was able to talk to Jessica through one on one when I was struggling. ”
“I loved Jessica’s coaching calls and the way Jessica makes each of us feel valued and important as an individual, especially in coaching sessions. Also her encouragement that it’s ok to be in seasons where we’re not able to be as intentional and I am not a failure. That really helped!
I’m making progress in stopping to think about why I am snacking mindlessly, and my emotional eating has improved a ton. My mindfulness has improved, which has had a ripple effect in other areas of my life.
Some of my biggest (and unexpected) changes are that I found something that brings ME joy, finding MY passion in life outside of being a wife and mother. Finding myself. Becoming more confident in who I am. My new confidence has also improved my relationships and my business. I think my success in my new floral business and the joy it’s brought me and others are connected to the deeper soul work I did earlier in the LoYo Method program. Writing out my visions, goals, purpose in life….. and seeing so much of that taking place the past weeks has been truly amazing!!!”
How Julie learned to listen to what her body needed, rather than eat to suppress her emotions and lose 30 pounds in the process
“My experience in the LoYo Method was definitely a success. My biggest win was to listen to what my body needed, rather than eat to suppress my emotions. Jessica was super responsive, helpful, and knowledgeable! I have learned to manage my emotions and be more assertive towards my mental and physical well-being. I no longer have sugar cravings and I have lost 30 pounds!
I’ve also developed a positive relationship with food by listening to my body’s needs, focusing on self-care, asserting myself and asking for food that I need or want rather than having what others are having, exercising more, detoxing from sugar, meal planning, and drinking water! ”
“I highly recommend Jessica and The LoYo Method program for anyone who is looking to remove dieting from their life. This is a very good start. Lots of valuable knowledge and support by Jessica and members, and guest speakers. The number one thing I didn’t think I could do before this program was to stop dieting. Due to dieting for years, I became a binge eater. I was using food to soothe my emotions.
I’ve now gotten past the diet mentality and I have been able to focus on tuning into my emotions and cultivating a better understanding of how I feel at any given time, and what my needs are, how they can be met without using food. I have started to use mindfulness as a way of living. ”
“I’ve struggled with riding an exhausting cycle of trying and failing diets for years and I am finally working through my negative relationship with the scale and letting go. I am much more aware of my motivations to eat and not eating emotionally anymore. I recognize my emotions and work through them with awareness. I also I realized I really need to work on finding ways to prioritize myself in many areas of my life. Jessica’s no non-sense approach to answering questions and her passion for the program was one thing I liked best about her program.”
“Jessica was always so supportive and encouraging. I really enjoyed having the support when I needed through coaching calls and our accountability group. I am now more confident in my own body, have more energy and I can enjoy a treat without feeling guilty. I lost 20 pounds and have found new ways to deal with stress and emotions that doesn’t involve stuffing my emotions with food. I make better choices. I stop and think first. If I do go to food, I don’t derail myself and go into a viscious cycle and eat everything in sight. I can stop myself.”
How Amanda let go of guilt and regained control over food!
“I am sleeping better. I have more energy. I am giving myself grace. If I “screw up,” I don’t have to workout to make up for it. It’s liberating! Before the program, I never thought I’d I could stop feeling hungry all of the time or finally feel satisfied. Also, my stomach feels good. I have only need pepto for heartburn twice since starting the LoYo Method. For the last year or so I was drinking it. A lot. I had miserable heartburn!
I love the program’s personal 1-1 time on zoom calls. and the accessibility in our group to customize. I like that you can move at your own pace and work thru it as you get to it. ”
“My “aha” moment was when I realized how every areas of human body and mind are connected and taking care of all of them helped push away my cravings and reduce my stress levels. The LoYo Method positively transformed me and how I look at and react to everything in life. Jessica asks the good questions to make us think deeply to find the best and real answer and she never judges anyone. And I love the coaching calls with her!
I’ve improved my nutrition and developed an intuitive way of eating. I now focus on self-care and stress management and improved my mindset in a really good way. I found tools to help with time management. My cravings mostly stopped! Yeah!!! My mind is really less stressed and that feels so good! I sleep better since I feel calmer inside. I no longer judge myself for what I’m eating or for how I’m feeling and I finally have a peaceful relationship with food.”
“Jessica was very supportive and I loved her weekly coaching calls. I’ve become more conscious of being satiated instead of grabbing things mindlessly. I’ve improved my meal planning, making more balanced meals for me and my family, and I’ve reduced my stress. I’ve also tried to focus on self care and not feel guilty about that all of the time. I lost 7 pounds and some of my bloodwork improved! I used to have migraines weekly and had only 1 or 2 in the last 3 months. This was huge. ”
“Before the LoYo Method, I would eat for the sake of eating and sometimes just because I was bored or to take a break from work stress. I now listen to my body to tell me when I’m not hungry and to stop eating. I have lost weight, I have felt less bloated, and I feel more in tune to how much food and what food my body wants. My “aha” moment was when I realized that my career is a necessary part of my identity, but it is not the entirety of my identity. In order to place priority on the thing that should be most important - my family - I needed to make life changes, including nutrition, time management, and perspective on my job.
I love that this method allows people to have grace in imperfection, which allows them to be human and to keep being motivated to continue with their journey. I liked the time and manner in which Jessica spends with people on the weekly coaching calls. Some people need a little encouragement to dig deeper. Some people wanted to talk through heavy topics that take longer than a few minutes. Some people just wanted to attend to hear what others were going through. Jessica recognizes and gives everyone the space and attention they need/want.”
“I used to be a mindless, fast eater, mostly in front of a tv. I tried multiple fad diets including Isagenix, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, taking diet pills, with little to no success. For each 10 pounds I lost, I would gain back the 10 pounds plus an extra 5! I was a reward dieter, “treating” myself for losing a few pounds then I’d put the weight back on, including bonus weight. Reward dieting always includes a bonus! I was not exercising at all and felt tired and sluggish. I wasn’t meal planning or prepping and would struggle to figure out what to take for lunch or cook for dinner and end up making pasta or ordering take-out or go out to eat.
I have had SO many successes from working with Jessica in the LoYo Method program! I have been able to focus on ME! I now make time for me, which is something I have a hard time doing since I am prone to putting myself last and now I take the “time” for myself.
My original goal in this experience was to lose weight, which I did, but I have gained so much more! Through Jessica, I have learned to live a healthier, happier lifestyle by changing the way I think and act. I feel better about myself and have more energy. I am confidant. I am taking the time to care for myself. I am aware of my thoughts and feelings and deal with things as they happen. I’m now focused on what I’m eating, and how much I am eating and taking my time. I am no longer a member of the finish your plate club.
I enjoyed the weekly coaching calls the best! Jessica made me think. This program made me dig deep and get in my head and work through the reasons why I was struggling with food and my weight. I feel I have learned to focus on me and develop better habits for the long term. ”
“My mindset around the scale has changed significantly and I’ve let go of the diet mentality. In fact, my “aha” moment was when I realized the scale is just a number. I am on a better path now and I feel like I will continue on this for the rest of my life. I’m much better at not eating emotionally. I’ve lost 9lbs and I feel much better with improved habits and a better mindset, so I believe I will continue to lose weight. I no longer eat late at night. I no longer have cravings. I have established good habits around food. I am continuing to work on mindful eating. I am better at having positive self talk and thoughts and fighting off the negative voice. I am not yoyo dieting or doing things like fasting to lose weight and I feel like the way I’m eating now will result in more long term and sustainable weight loss. ”
“The 1 thing I didn’t think I could do before this program was lose weight for good and be stuck on the diet rollercoaster forever. My biggest aha moment was when I learned that I control the food choices I make and food doesn’t control me. Jessica provide great feedback and pushed me to expand on some of my goals. She encouraged me to plan my day which I have never done before
I now have the tools to continue to make healthy food choices and amazing recipes to use. I know where to start if I have not made the best food choices and I don’t feel like I failed. I would 100% recommend this program to other women! This is the best program out there. I will be forever indebted to Jessica. ”
How France prioritized herself and no longer feels guilty without counting calories!
“I wanted to lose weight, stop emotional eating and stop feeling guilty every time I would indulge. Over the last 12 weeks, I have learned why I emotionally eat and how to focus on other methods to deal with stress without turning to food. I now eat mindfully and also try to remove as much media as possible. Its a new lifestyle for me and I’m loving it! In my 12 weeks I lost 17 pounds and 10” overall. I’ve explored the deep roots of emotional eating, my most important values, how to relax and take time for myself, incorporated a variety of exercise and how to manage my time according to my values. The most positive changes I have noticed since beginning the program have been that I prioritize myself! I can eat as much as I want (whole foods and fats) without feeling guilty for eating over a certain amount of calories. I learned to take time for myself. I now have complete control over my eating habits. I enjoyed every aspect about the LoYo Method. Everything touched on had some type of benefit to my new lifestyle. I plan on continuing as an alumni and follow my journey to a healthy lifestyle.”
“The one thing I never thought I could do before this program was put myself first without feeling guilty! Jessica really cares, is very knowledgeable and wants you to succeed. I’ve lost 7 pounds and 5-6 inches in my waist. I figured out I am sensitive to gluten as I no longer feel bloated and constipated as I used to. I am sleeping better, not restless, and my bags under my eyes aren’t as dark as before. My energy is better. I am doing better with not eating emotionally. ”
How Sarah K. went from mindless eating, sugar cravings and unwanted belly fat, FEAR and putting herself last ...... to losing 20 pounds, 9+ inches, better mood, clearer skin, with little to no cravings anymore and prioritizing herself!
“For the first time, I’ve been able to put myself first, while not neglecting other things or people. The amount of positive changes I have seen from the LoYo Method is astronomical! Not only have I lost over 20 pounds and 9+ inches, but my mood has been better, my skin is clearer and I have little to no cravings anymore!
Before working with Jessica, I used to skip breakfast, grab something quick or easy for lunch, with lots of mindless snacking in the evening, usually while watching TV. Getting a control of cravings, in addition to losing weight seemed like a mountainous task too difficult for me. I was unsure of where to start and my confidence wasn’t great either. Often I would try something, meal prepping, certain diets and be on a roll for a while, but they would eventually fizzle out. I’m so glad this program has solidified healthy habits that stick.
I also don’t feel like I “need” the coffee in the morning anymore. When I decide to enjoy a coffee, I don’t want the sugar in it anymore! I feel like I’ve gotten a grip on what my body needs and if I want something sweet, I can feel okay enjoying it without the guilt. I’ve signed up for the alumni to continue making positive changes for myself and continue this journey. I love how flexible Jessica is. She was very encouraging and would offer suggestions to fit my life.”
“Before joining The LoYo Method, I wanted to lose weight, stop cravings and bingeing, and feel in control. My mindset and eating habits were disordered and all-or-nothing.
Over the last 12 weeks, I’ve focused on myself and healing my relationship with food. I feel more in control of my eating and my emotions. I drink more water, less caffeine and alcohol, and consume less sugar. I also make more time for self-care and I weigh myself less often. The one thing I didn’t think I could do before was lose weight without ‘being on a diet. Now, I am enjoying chocolate without feeling guilty and making progress at a rate I am happy with - I am now down 16 pounds and 3 1/2 inches off my waist! I am really really happy about that.”
How Christina finally broke through her weight plateau, stopped stress eating, reduced sugar cravings, and reduced her inflammation and eliminated her fibromyalgia pain!
“Before I joined the LoYo Method, I struggled with stress eating and I was not happy with myself. Some of my biggest accomplishments over the last 12 weeks include: 1) I loosened up and didn’t beat myself up. 2) I normally gain 5-8 lbs over the holiday. I only gained one. 3) I’ve lost 9 lbs overall. 4) Bloating was a huge problem and I am no longer bloated 5)
I no longer have to clean my plate. 6) My fibro pain is so much better.
I now recognize how foods effect me physically and emotionally. I am happier with who I am and don’t feel selfish for taking me time. ”
How Kimberley stopped dieting, lost 17 pounds, let go of guilt, overcame emotional eating and so much more!
“I never thought I could feel better about myself and my choices without dieting. Now, I no longer need sweets like I used to. I’ve learned healthier meal planning/preparation skills. I have more energy and less daily physical pain. I significantly improved scheduling and self-care. I make time for me! My “aha” moment was when I realized food was no longer my main focus at social gatherings.....no need for dessert/no clearing my whole plate. I eat what I want without guilt/punishment. I’ve lost 17 pounds, my clothing is fitting better. And most importantly, the weight is no longer the thing that drives me. I am no longer in it to lose the weight. I am in it to be healthier.
Jessica helped me see that I didn’t need to try/fail....I just needed to do! Jessica was great about answering questions and addressing topics through weekly coaching sessions, email, and phone calls.”
“My original goal was I didn’t want food to control me anymore. I wanted to be able to eat without guilt, no matter what I was eating.
That goal has been 100% accomplished! All of my wins are so big. I have made peace with my food. I no longer look at food the way I used too...good vs. bad or how many calories are in what I am eating. The nighttime/emotional eating >> bye bye. I have really slowed down while tasting my food. I eat what I want to eat and I stop when I am full. True intuitive eating. MAJOR WINS.
Sometimes it just takes the right person to say the right thing and things just click. 🙂
“Thank you Jessica for developing such a great program! So many wins and successes to share but some highlights are...
1) An overall increased sense of health and well-being. Physically I feel lighter. Clothes feel better which is more important than scale!
2) Not weighing myself at all through the program has had a huge impact on my mental health. I can approach each new day with a positive attitude, and not be dragged down because of the scale.
3) It’s not a diet! I was skeptical in the beginning about this concept. But, it’s not a diet! I’ve now been able to recognize that.
4) The importance I now place on self-care is really significant. At the first signs of stress/overwhelm last night, I drew myself a bath and enjoyed reading a book and going to bed early. I’ve learned I’ll be in much better shape to tackle what the day brings tomorrow if I’m rested and cared for well.
5) All of the guidance on meal-planning, schedules, calendar management has been incredibly helpful. I now meal plan and shop accordingly, which is so helpful.
6) The most important success is my ability AND DESIRE to jump back to my new way of life (not a diet) after indulging in treats.
7) I now have my husband drinking my morning smoothies with me which is a family win in my book and represents his support of our new lifestyle.”
“My top 12 wins:
1) I don’t feel like food is in charge of me.
2) I listen/feel what my body is telling me to eat.
3) The scale does not dictate the quality of my day.
4) I ate the first donut I’ve had since May 5. It was really delicious, and previously I would have used that deliciousness to justify getting another donut, but my body didn’t want one, so my brain said...ok.
5) This program taught me to interrupt habits so the thoughtful part of the brain has time and space to see how the body feels, consider the goals, and make a decision based on information rather than rote behavior.
6) I’ve explored all of my triggers & I can stop when my body says no more. For me, this means the diet mentality does not own me anymore. Multiple times I have celebrated with cake, split a candy bar with a kid, tested a boundary just to see if the new behaviors would outfox the old diet feelings, and every time it worked. I am shocked.
7) Cravings pass.
8) I know my oldest is watching me. She’s learning.
9) I frequently find myself thinking, I could use a vegetable. I stared at two perfect roma tomatoes today like I used to stare at donuts.
10) I lost 10 pounds. This is very motivating but was never my overt goal. I was hopeful, but I really just wanted all the brain space I used on food to be free.
11) I gained the ability to exercise self-care when I eat and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed treats.
12) I learned it’s not that you ate the piece of cake, it’s that you ate and REALLY tasted the cake, enjoyed how it felt and tasted, and didn’t eat half a sheet pan of cake because your body said ‘That was fantastic!’””
How Shelley ditched dieting and healed her relationship with food
“I’ve gotten a lot out of the last 12 weeks. It was a great experience and I appreciate it very much. I loved the material and the coaching calls. Jessica’s personal attention and personal guidance was very helpful and appreciated. I now feel really good about my ability to lose the guilt and the all or nothing mentality. I stop looking at food like a cheat meal. If I eat a few chocolate covered raisins, so be it. I don’t eat the entire package anymore. And then I move on. I pay attention to my cravings and I now understand where my cravings are coming from and I’m implementing strategies to deal with what I need.”
“I was exhausted from dieting & the rules they all came with, I was an emotional eater, I was self sabotaging my efforts. There were “right and wrong” foods, eating the “wrong” foods would trigger negative feelings towards myself. I was restrictive in food groups and in intake. I ate what I was told I “should” eat regardless of listening to my body. And if I was full or not. I avoided social gatherings because I was an all or nothing Dieter and couldn’t “control” myself around certain foods. I was afraid to go anywhere where I would be challenged and then derail progress. And, above all, I was an emotional eater.
Now.... I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted and I’m not crazy food obsessed any more. I’m not craving certain foods. Over the last 12 weeks, I have been able to focus on listening to my body, recognizing if I’m hungry, or filling an emotional void. I’ve become better about limitations. I’ve removed labels from foods, and have realized that I can check in with myself and see if I really want the cake, cookie, chips, etc. I’ve been able to enjoy food and not punish myself for doing so. In turn I’ve been craving “junk” foods less. I navigated Disney better than ever before and found I could have the occasional not so great stuff in kids size and be completely satisfied and then have a fiber, fat, protein full meal later and be happy. There’s no diet to fall off of, just choices and making sure my choices are in check. ”
How Whitney let go of the scale, improved her confidence, shifted her mindset and found a whole new meaning of FREEDOM and HAPPINESS.
“I’ve lost 10 pounds and my belly is noticeably flatter. I have more more energy and much less brain fog! I feel good. I don’t feel deprived at all and I am eating healthier and it tastes good! I’m accepting my body as a work in progress and I’m less judgmental. I am more aware of what I am eating and how my body feels.”
“Jessica is an expert coach and fierce advocate who helped me achieve my goals and problem solve around challenges. The biggest tangible changes I have noticed since beginning working with her are: 1. Increased, consistent energy levels throughout the day; 2. Reduced bloat; 3. A positive relationship with food and wellness. I’m so appreciative of our work together especially now that I can ensure that new healthy habits stick, instead of falling by the wayside over time.”
“The LoYo Method was absolutely a success! The tools that Jessica has set up and her support (and the groups) make this program a winning combination. This is hands down what I have been searching for for a LONG time. I didn’t need someone to tell me what I should and shouldn’t eat. I needed someone to give me the tools to understand what happens to my body, for example, when I eat sugar, how it spikes my blood sugar and makes me want even more. It was invaluable to get the whole picture in one program. And Jessica keeps it real! She really knows how to drill down to the heart of the issue and give solid feedback on how to turn things around without making people feel bad about themselves.
Before I started working with Jessica, I was dealing with a lot of low blood sugar issues and the feeling of constantly being hungry. As far as mindset, when I did indulge, I always felt guilty and analyzed my food to death. Now, I can free my mind from the rat race of constantly thinking about what I ate during the day. I no longer label food as good or bad, and I give myself grace when I do decide to indulge.”
How Christie achieved FOOD FREEDOM and overcame the rat race of constantly thinking about food (while still enjoying wine)
“Before this program, I struggled with mindless, boredom eating and a weightloss plateau. I finally lost some weight, and now enjoy healthy meals that my kids also enjoy! The modules, recipes and coaching calls were the best parts of the program. I learned so much from other’s questions or challenges.
“I used to do a lot of boredom eating. I’ve now conquered that 100%. I find other things to do when I’m alone. I used to have food on my mind all the time and it was emotionally exhausting. That’s almost gone too. I have lost 20 pounds of my 25-30 pound goal! I weigh now what I weighed 11 years ago. It was NOT hard to lose 20 pounds. This was easy. This is life. No brainer changes. I feel like this is NOT temporary. Before, it would take a few parties and I would totally fall backwards. Now, I simply move on in my journey without guilt or feeling derailed. Jessica, you’re wonderful. Your program is wonderful.”
How Linda lost 20 pounds and overcame emotional eating!
“Before the LoYo Method, I struggled with getting in control of my eating habits; losing weight, and generally living a healthier lifestyle. Over 12 weeks I have made significant improvements in my nutrition and my decisions. I now have better energy, I’ve lost 10 pounds, and I am less emotional about eating. I am now more intentional about food choice and hunger instead of being a mindless snacker. I am also being more proactive in taking time for myself and managing my time better.”
How Anna developed a positive body image, overcome emotional eating and lost 15 pounds and dropped clothing sizes in the process.
“I’ve lost over 15 pounds (and only weighed myself 1 time in 12 weeks). I lost centimeters all around my body, and I have a more positive body image. I have a healthier pantry makeover and feel like I’ve kicked over 90% of the cravings, which coming from my former days of eating an entire brownie tray in one sitting is really a significant accomplishment!. The most significant positive change I’ve noticed is finally putting my health as a priority.”
“Jessica is amazing! This program isn’t just about weight loss (although that is a side effect), but really encompasses changing your life in many areas (food choices, exercise, time management, etc.). With her help I was able to quit my addiction to artificial sweeteners and more importantly really curb my emotional eating. I lost 10 pounds (which is a HUGE deal considering my health issues), my A1C went down from 6.9 to 6, my cholesterol went down. But the most important thing is that I no longer need to abuse my body with food as a result of external factors.”
How Mindi easily dropped over 45 pounds (and counting), stopped fighting with her body & mind, and embraced self care and mindfulness in all facets of her life.
“I’m down over 45 pounds, which is a miracle to me! And on top of that, it was easy! The weight loss is a side effect of the work I’m doing, which is crazy for me to say outloud…. I’m feeling very encouraged about all of the side effects of the work I’m doing, not just in the food, but in all areas, from financial to relationships. My goal was to stop fighting with my body and to stop feeling like my body is my enemy and work together with my body as a team. I am further along on that journey from where I was when I started. I’ve let go of anxiety and consuming thoughts about food and what it was doing to my body. I am no longer beating myself up for a less than stellar food day, nor being too congratulatory for a good day. I took care of myself. End of story.”
“I’m finally breaking free from the vicious cycle I’ve been stuck in where boredom and stress controlled my life. I used to cave into cravings by downing an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting… just because. I did a lot of mindless and emotional eating. I also was not giving my body the right/correct nutritional food. Now, I am so much more aware that it’s my boredom or stress that makes me think of eating and I no longer fall into that trap. I am so much more in tune with eating when I am hungry and not emotional. I love the recipes in the LoYo Method program and I feel really satiated when eating these filling and nutritious recipes. Jessica offers complete dedication and support to the group and each individual. Her approach is genuine and has the facts to back up what she teaches. ”
“I loved having a step by step guide to keep me going and Jessica’s ongoing support so I no longer beat myself up about my food choices. One of the most significant changes I noticed was not getting hangry and being able to have what I want and control myself without constantly feeling like I need to berate myself about everything I eat. And being confident in the small changes I’ve seen like clothes suddenly being very big. I never thought I could give up soda and not have constant sugar cravings and now I no longer need either.”
How Louisa learned to make sustainable, positive habits to maintain weight loss results through real food AND let go of using the scale!
“I really can’t say enough about my experience with Jessica. She really turned my life around. The Loyo Method program is great. She has great healthy meals and a mindset plan to help anyone. I tried other healthy plans but they never worked. With Jessica’s help, I lost over 20 pounds, cholesterol is down, blood pressure is down and my overall health is great. She also helped me to relax and have control over my overeating of sweets. If you are looking to make changes in your life. I would definitely recommend Jessica.”
“I LOVED the program. I learned a lot. I am now off caffeine and I love drinking lemon water. My mindset is now in a different place. I needed to get healthier mentally and physically. Thank you!”
“Over the last 12 weeks I’ve focused on slowing down and enjoying the food I eat. I am so aware now of what I am eating and how I am treating my body. ”
“When we first started working together, I was holding onto excess weight around my midsection despite her efforts to lose weight. I was struggling with emotional eating, using food to mindlessly feed my emotions, often finding herself grabbing unhealthy food from her pantry at 11pm. I allowed sugar cravings to get the best of me, AND I was so tired of doctors telling me to take this pill or that pill to cure her problems. That was 12 weeks ago. NOW...
- I’m 12 pounds lighter.
- I’m mindful and no longer eat for no particular reason late at night or in response to an emotion.
- I have my entire family on board with healthy and delicious meals.
- I easily grocery shop, prep and cook, even as a super busy Mom of 4 kids (and never did that before!)”
“I hired Jessica to reset my priorities and better focus on health during a tough time of transition. My biggest breakthrough came after my 2nd week when I took more ownership and made my health a priority and I learned to set a few key priorities and not be distracted or bothered by anything else. Jessica easily synthesized information and was able to explain clearly what I needed to be doing or how I should change my mind set. Since we started, I’ve lost 15 pounds, finally got back into an exercise routines, and received some amazing nuggets of advice and thought provoking ideas from her around perfectionism, priorities, values, commitment, and health overall. Thank you! I’d definitely recommend Jessica!”
“I came to Jessica wanting to lose some stubborn pounds after baby number two and hoping to find a little better balance in my life. I finished my sessions busier than ever, but 10 pounds lighter, with the tools for better eating, and a better attitude and perspective on the stressors in my life and how to handle them. Thank you Jessica for all your help!”
“Jessica has been an incredible support in my post-baby journey to lose weight and find happiness and balance! Months after giving birth I was still 30 lbs over my pre-baby weight, and I had no idea how to lose it, let alone how to incorporate healthy routines into my life with a newborn and full-time job. This is why I called Jessica initially - to lose the weight - but her holistic approach is so much more than just weight loss and nutrition. She’s given me advice on everything, from how to tweak my diet and stay motivated to exercise, to handling stress with work and family, to making time and space for self-care and the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with this stage of life. I’ve worked with nutritionists before, and Jessica’s approach is so much more effective - she helps you take care of each part of your life, with no aspect left unturned. My son is now 8 months old, I’ve lost 20 lbs, and I’m signed up to do a triathalon this summer. Even better - I know exactly what I need to do to reach my health goals in a way that also lets me enjoy life and keep my sanity. I now feel less panicked about my weight and health and I’ve learned how to strike a balance around what I eat. Jessica is supportive, flexible, and calming, with a deep understanding of holistic well-being. Thanks for everything Jess - you’re the best!”
“Jessica has guided me and taught me a lot about nutrition and being the best version of myself. Jessica is intelligent, loving, generous and extremely dedicated. She is very passionate, creative, highly motivating and persuasive. These are just some of the reasons I trusted her as a health coach. Jessica is very professional and is able to personalize plans and see each client as an individual. I highly recommend her to anyone and everyone looking to learn more about health and wellness.”
“Before working with Jessica, I felt like I was in the worst shape of my life. Since injuring my neck a few years ago and not being able to work out like I used to, I felt stuck. No matter how healthy I thought I was eating, I couldn’t lose any weight. I would always see pictures of Jessica on Facebook running marathons and talking about her program. Fast forward to today, and I refer to Jessica as the “Phil Jackson” of fat busting. I lost 36 pounds, and am feeling great about myself. I just fit into a pair of jeans I haven’t been able to wear since 2009. I feel like I have found a lifestyle that I can sustain for the long run. I feel like I have changed my life with the help of Jessica. I know that I will continue to lose weight and feel healthier and there is nothing that can stop me!”
“Jessica is inspiring, informative, and thoroughly supportive. Jessica will take you through your goals step by step and answer every question you can think of. She is ready at a moment’s notice for a quick text or a long phone call, ready to talk you through your concerns, and even to share her opinions and experiences if you ask. An amazing coach, Jessica understands the importance of putting everything into perspective. She understands that it is a lifestyle you seek, not a crash diet impossible to maintain. Therefore she sets reasonable expectations and encourages you to monitor and believe in yourself, because she understands that true motivation comes from within. She is truly the best.”
“I’ve never tried any dieting program before and to be honest I was quite skeptical when I started. Almost 45 days later I have to say that I’m no longer a skeptic. I was able to lose almost 15 pounds of stubborn belly weight and have had very limited cravings for fatty and sugary foods. My health and wellness coach Jessica was part sherpa and part cheerleader in this process. She was a fantastic source of knowledge and inspiration. I highly recommend and highly endorse Jess as a coach.”