Celebrate Being a Woman

Happy International Women’s Day!

Today is a day for you to celebrate being a woman.  

Seriously lady, it’s time for you to go out and celebrate!

Celebrate being a Mom.

Celebrate being a sister or a grandmother.

Celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world or in your backyard.

Celebrate yourself!

 As women, we tend to put self care on the back burner as we take care of everyone else, at the behest of our own health.  What happens? We pack on the pounds. We become controlled by stressors and feel overwhelmed and burned out. We frantically run around trying to fit everything into our so-called “busy” lives.  

Have you ever considered what the alternative looks like for you?

Have you ever thought about how it would feel to enjoy a more positive lifestyle, one with many mental and physical health benefits, including optimal body weight, lower stress and anxiety levels, a stronger immune systems, better quality sleep and better coping skills?

Have you ever dreamed about walking through life spreading a ripple effect of health and happiness?

Have you ever believed that you can live a life without being so emotionally attached to food, without always being on some new diet, without counting your calories or your points or measuring every last bite?

I work with women to inspire self care as a non-negotiable part of their life.  

Self care is way more than a mani/pedi or a massage.  It is truly nurturing yourself at your very core from your mind, to your body, to your soul to achieve optimal health and happiness.

It may be time for you to look yourself in the mirror and say, let’s do this. Let’s finally release the shit I’m holding onto and make a necessary change to my life. 

Or maybe you just want to talk through it.  And that’s what I’m here for.

Schedule your no-obligation Breakthrough Call with me for free here, at any convenient time that works for you. We’ll get into what’s holding you back, find out your goals and your fears, and see what the best action steps are for you so you can live your best life.

Start celebrating all of the amazing aspects of YOU!


Jessica Kishpaugh is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Life Coach and owner of LoYo Wellness in Bergen County NJ (www.loyowellness.com).  Jessica specializes in healthy weight loss, intuitive eating, recovering from emotional eating, stress reduction and mindfulness. For your FREE nutrition breakthrough call, schedule a consultation here.