Putting purpose and intention to your life: Why it’s important to INVEST in yourself

If you’re ready to make changes to your health, that requires an investment in yourself.

But how do you really know you’re ready to jump in with both feet and your eyes closed? 

Start by asking yourself the very important question - WHY.  What are your health goals? Why is that important to you? Why does it matter? Why now? Why why why?  When you get super clear on your why, you’ll uncover what your life would look like if you achieved your ultimate dream of health and happiness. 

Take a moment and just think… 3 months from now, 6 months, 1 year, how would your life be positively impacted if you made a change to your health? What would you be able to DO differently if you made that change? How would that FEEL?

But before we take a deeper dive into making an investment in your health, let’s briefly discuss the elephant in the room…FEAR.

The fear of investing in yourself and your health is common.  Although there are many reasons why some of us feel insecure about investing in ourselves, it all boils down to fear and a lack of belief in ourselves.

Perhaps it’s fear that you won’t be supported. Fear you won’t succeed. Fear that you’ve struggled or failed in the past. Fear that your body or mind will change and your friends or family will look at you differently. We all have these fears.  

If you have any of these fears, it’s time to let go and start shifting your mindset. Ask yourself, “Who do I have to become to live the life of my dreams?”  Go back to your WHY. What would give you a boost of confidence? Embody those traits and start taking yourself and your new healthy identity seriously. Truly take the time to visualize what this life will look like for you.

Working through your money blocks will likely be some of the most uncomfortable but also the most important work you do for yourself.

Once I figured out that I wasn’t just a “Holistic Nutritionist,” but in fact a CEO running an online company, I knew I needed expert help if I wanted to scale and expand my online global program to help as many women as possible. But I had NO IDEA how to start, let alone navigate or run an online business.

I wanted (scratch that - NEEDED - ) an expert to guide me, to help me avoid making mistakes that I had been making for years and to answer my questions quickly.

I invested in an incredible business coach who has a LONG track record of working in my field of health and wellness, who is real, raw and inspiring, who knows her shit when it comes to business, and who also lives a personal life that resonated with me. This was critical. I invested in her and took massive, imperfect action as I traversed through her intense 6 month program. Now, did I have over $7,000 just laying around to make this investment?  Absolutely not!  But I had credit cards that I rotated payments on and a savings account that I drew from to make the payments. I could have saved in so many creative ways. Do you know how much money could be saved by cutting out daily $5 Starbucks lattes?  Or selling random items in my house on FB Marketplace (that place is a gold mine!)?  I would have done whatever it took to get the money and make the payments.

Why did I invest so much money?

I knew that I had to. I knew that if I wanted to build an online business, to help women on a grand scale live a life of health and happiness, and to live the kind of life I wanted, then I needed to work with that specific business coach and go through her specific program.

This might sound unbelievable to you, but the dollar amount of money you invest actually doesn’t matter.  The only thing that matters is your ability to get outside of your comfort zone, take reigns on those underlying fears, and stop making excuses. This is your health we are talking about. Your LIFE.

If you are NOT ready to think and behave this way as it pertains to your HEALTH and your HAPPINESS, then ANY money you invest will be a waste.  Be it a coach, a program, a new fad diet or a gym membership.

So tell me, where have you invested your money so far?  Do you have any stories to share or health investments gone wrong? I want to hear ALL about them in the comments below or send an email to jessica@loyowellness.com.

Jessica Kishpaugh is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Mindfulness Life Coach and owner of LoYo Wellness in Bergen County NJ (www.loyowellness.com).  Jessica specializes in healthy weight loss, intuitive eating, recovering from emotional eating, stress reduction and mindfulness. Book your FREE Breakthrough Call HERE.