Be Your Best Self at Home, at Work, in Life

BEING YOUR BEST SELF requires a lifelong practice of self-love and ambition. It requires acknowledging that you’re doing the best you can in the present and demands that you never stop striving to grow and become even better in the future.

Mirror Mirror On the Wall....

Take a “Self-Inventory. ” Comparing who you are in the present to who you hope to be in the future is a powerful exercise in self-perception that reveals much more than your strengths and weaknesses. Get clear on how you measure up against your future goals and gain insight into your self-image.



1) Stand in front of a full-length mirror and stare at your reflection for a few uninterrupted minutes. Set a timer and simply observe.

What do you see staring back at you?

When the timer goes off, journal everything you noticed about yourself. Be thorough and descriptive. Go beyond the physical and note clues that reflect your life now.

  • Who are you as a person right now in this current moment?

  • How do you show up in your life personally and professionally?

  • What strengths do you see?

  • What weaknesses do you notice?

2) Look in the mirror again, but think about your future self this time.

Journal about everything you hope to see in the mirror at each of the below time intervals. Remember to push yourself to think beyond the physical appearance you desire and consider the strengths you wish to embody.

  • Who would you like to be peering back at you in one year, five years, ten years, and beyond?

  • If you could be your ideal future self, who would you choose to be on the inside and on the outside?

  • How would you show up in your life personally and professionally if you were your ideal self?

Value Your Present Self

Recognize that wherever you are is a beautiful point in your journey. We are always growing and expanding to become more, so it really is about enjoying the journey and not rushing toward a destination. While you may have hopes and dreams that will lead you to bigger and better places, remember that valuing who you are in the present is a critical building block for the future.


1) Reflect on the journal notes you took about your present self and your ideal self. Begin to notice hints of your self-image peering back at you on the page. You may find that you share a lot of qualities with your future self or that you hope to become a very different person.

Consider whether this activity…

1) brought up feelings of insecurity or made you feel inspired about where you’re headed,

2) turned into a celebration of all the mind, body, and spirit work you’ve done to arrive at this place, or

3) felt overwhelming because there is so much to change. Whatever comes up for you is valid.

Take time to process your feelings, identify their source, and journal about them to explore where they lead.

2) Honor wherever you are on your journey right now. Use the affirmation below to inspire you when you need to reconnect with self-love. You might enjoy chanting this phrase aloud, creating art or writing poetry inspired by it, or including it in your next meditation session. “I love myself fully in the now. I accept that I am doing the best that I can, and as I know better, I will learn to do better.”

Looking to up your game and BE YOUR BEST SELF? Schedule a free consultation call with Jessica Kishpaugh, Holistic Nutritionist & Life Coach of LoYo Wellness today. Don’t let another day pass where you can’t enthusiastically say to yourself “TODAY IS THE BEST DAY SO FAR.”

Jessica Kishpaugh is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Life Coach and owner of LoYo Wellness in Bergen County NJ (  Jessica specializes in healthy weight loss, intuitive eating, recovering from emotional eating, stress reduction and mindfulness. For your FREE nutrition breakthrough call, schedule a consultation here.